
[Tips!] How to Increase the Number of Customer Reviews for your app
2020-09-18 05:24:40
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Increase the number of customer reviews for your app

Gathering feedback from your customers is important to gain insights on how to improve your app. Also, positive reviews of your app in Galaxy Store can help you grow sales by influencing users who consider other users’ reviews before downloading an app.

You can increase the number of customer reviews for your app by adding a Galaxy Store review link. A Galaxy Store review link is a link that opens the app’s review page in Galaxy Store.

Add a Galaxy Store review link to your app

In your app, you can prompt the customer for feedback by directing them to the app review page using the Galaxy Store review link.
For example, you could display an app review pop-up that includes the Galaxy Store review link.

Note: If the customer is not logged in to their Samsung account, they are asked to log in before they can review your app.

To add a Galaxy Store review link:

1. Design and implement the pop-up that is used in your app. Learn more about the best practices you can use to increase the chances of getting a response from a customer.

Important: Your app should verify the app store from which your customer downloaded your app. Only customers who download your app from Galaxy Store can leave a review in Galaxy Store.

If you are submitting your app to more than one app store, Samsung recommends that you use a unique package name with the same version code for each app store (see Recommendations to bring your game to Galaxy Store for more information).

If you have already submitted your APK to each app store using the same package name, you can verify the app store used by the version number (if each APK uses a unique version number among app stores) or using the store information from the package installer on the device.

2. In the pop-up, include the Galaxy Store review link. Use one of the following formats:

• URL:
• URI: samsungapps://AppRating/

Best practices

When and how often you prompt for a review can increase the chances of a customer submitting a review for your app. Here are some guidelines to consider when you design and implement your pop-up.

Timing & Frequency

• Do not ask for a review when the app is launched. Instead, wait until the user has run and experienced your app. • Prompt for a review after a task is completed, a goal is achieved, or something is accomplished. • Do not interrupt the user at a critical moment when the app is running. Instead, wait until the user can pause for a few seconds. • When the user selected to review later, wait until the user has run your app enough times before requesting a review.


• Use the same design guidelines as your app to create and implement your pop-up. • Use an inviting message when requesting a review while keeping a neutral tone. • Allow the user to delay a review and submit it at a later time. • Highlight the call-to-action button


Q: Why can’t my customer review my app?

A: In order for your customer to submit a review comment about your app in Galaxy Store, the customer must have downloaded your app from Galaxy Store.

If you do not verify the app store from which they purchased your app and they did not download your app through Galaxy Store, an error message is displayed and the customer is directed to the app’s detail page.

Q: Why do some of my customers get a Samsung account sign-in request?

A: If the customer is logged out of Samsung account on the device, they will be prompted to log-in again before being able to review your app. Most Galaxy Store customers remain logged in with their Samsung account and do not experience this sign-in request.





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